From 19th ot 22nd of June, 2023, two PhD students from our group, Katerina Barmpidi and Fran Hermoso, participated in the VIII SEQT Summer School "Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Drug Discovery: the Pharma Perspective" co-organized by Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica (SEQT) and GalChimia and the IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry for Young Researchers in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Both had the opportunity to present their work through posters and flash communications. Moreover, during this week they met other young scientists, exchanged ideas in Medicinal Chemistry and of course enjoyed the Galician food! 
Katerina also awarded with a SEQT fellowship in order to participate in the VIII SEQT Summer School and the IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry for Young Researchers.
For more information about the congress and abstracts of our colleagues: